2022年3月6日 星期日

美股近2年快熊股市分析 US stock quick bearish markets in year 2020 and 2022


U.S. these 2 rounds quick bearish stock market (Dow Jone Index) cycle analysis.

美股上一輪杜瓊斯指數於2020年2月12日:29,568 點見頂, 2020年3月23日以18,213點見底, 為上輪特快熊市之底部 ,調整幅度:38.4%。

U.S. stock previous round quick bearish market:- Dow Jones Index reached the topest on 12 February 2020:-29,568 ; the lowest bottom 18,213 on March 23, 2020 and it rose again, this is a previous bearish market with 38.4% dropping level in previous bearish stock market round.

本輪美股杜瓊斯指數於2022年1月5日:36,952 點見頂, 以特快熊市最少跌20%計算, 道指可能在29,560點見底, 有可能為本輪特快熊市之底部 ,調整幅度:20%。

U.S. stock this round quick bearish market:- Dow Jones Index reached the topest on 5 Jan 2022:-36,952 ; the lowest bottom 29,560 may be this round bearish market bottom with 20% dropping level in this bearish stock market round.

Year 年份 DJI highest 道指頂部DJI lowest 道指底部Drop level 調整幅度

2022年3月5日道指收市:33,614點;市盈率:18.67倍; 道指仍有調整壓力。

5 March 2022 closing DJI:33,614, PE:18.67, DJI may face adjustment(dropping) pressure.

1 則留言:

  1. 道指落番去,應該會順勢補埋疫苗面世,果陣有個超大裂口
