2021年4月28日 星期三

蘋果公司2021年第2季業務表現 Apple Quarter 2, 2021 Business performance

Apple delivered its largest quarter at $89.6 billion in its second-quarter earnings report for fiscal 2021.

蘋果公司2021年第2季營業收入: $896億美元;

Sales were up 54% year over year. 銷售額比去年同期增加54%;

I) Quarterly earnings per diluted share 2021年第2季每股攤薄盈利: 美元USD$1.40

II)Cash Dividend per share: USD$0.22 2021年第2季每股現金股息分派: 美元USD$0.22

季度業績優於預期; The quarter performance of Apple, Quarter 2, 2021 is better than the expected result.

