Investment beginner means anyone without investment experience.
由零開始, 那如何開始呢?
Start from zero, how to start then?
假設一位大學畢業生畢業後找了一份工作, 每月有HKD$13,300扣除退休用強積金收入, 每月可以用$60元一天,返工午餐及車費開支, 返22天工作, 每月支出$1,320; 手機月費費用:$100,家用:$1,500, 每月雜項費用支出:$380.即支出大約$3,300一個月; 餘下$10,000儲蓄起來, 儲蓄率便有75.19%。
Assumed a fresh graduate finds a job with monthly salary HKD$13,300 after MPF contribution, he can use HK$60 in daily lunch and travel fees with HKD$1,320 monthly expense. $100 mobile fee, $1,500 family expenses and $380 sundry expenses. He can save around HK$10,000 a month. Saving ratio is about 75.19%.
The first thing to do before investment is saving.
如果他把首2個月儲蓄儲起,買入年息最少有2厘I bond, 每年會收到利息HKD$400, 之後10個月可以月供年股息率5厘或以上/20送1紅股股票/過去10年平均每年股價投資組合有5%增長或以上股票組合, 第一年便可以產生大約$5,400的被動收入。
If he save up the first two months saving and buy 2% annual interest return i bond, he can get HKD$400 interest income , and continue to save HK$10,000 in the next ten months and contribute into a 5% or above dividend yield /1 for 20 bonus shares /5% or more average growth stock portfolio in the past ten years, the first year can generate about HKD$5,400 passive income after the first year.
以上設計先有等同現金的通脹掛勾債券為基礎後才投入現金在有風險的股票投資組合, 起碼有一些應急用現金等價物。
The above design the begineer can have some cash equivalent i Bond as his foundation and input the following 10 months saving in a more risky stock portfolio, at least he can have some cash equivalents to meet the rainy days for urgent needs.
Later essays will discuss the investment portfolio design.