2020年9月5日 星期六

零基礎學投資(9):真鈔票, 真資產, 真老師 Real Currency, Real Assets, Real Teacher

什麼是真鈔票, 真資產, 真老師?

What the real currency, real assets and real teacher?

1. 真鈔票是指金, 銀有形貴金屬實物而非符號貨幣。

1. Real currency means tangible precious metal such as gold and silver but not symoblic money.

2. 真資產是指可以產生正現金流資產。

2. Things can generate positive cash flows are classified as assets.

3. 真老師是指會教授個人理財創富的導師。

3. Real teacher teaches personal wealth management and tracks to become a rich person.

一.本網頁屬個人網誌,為網主作為記事之用,並非提供投資建議。 1. This is a personal blog page for recording and cannot regard as investment advice.

二.本網頁部分內容可能會提及個別投資項目,請注意,一切言論並不構成要約、招攬或邀請、誘使、任何不論種類或形式之申述或訂立任何建議及推薦,讀者務請運用個人思考能力自行作出投資決定,如因相關言論招致損失,概與本人無涉。 2. This page may mention individual investment option, please be attention the content does not invite, suggest or recommend reader to make certain kinds of investment. Readers need to make investment decision themselve. The blog writer does not responsible to any loss incur after reading this blog passage.

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