2020年6月20日 星期六

未來十年新星行業 New Star Industries in the next decade

現在我們在2020年, 未來未來十年究竟有什麼新星行業值得投資?


1.數據中心:隨著智能手機, 平板電腦普及使用, 數據用量有增無減, 造就伺服器數據中心行業營業收入成長。

2. 資訊科技與人工智能:隨著智能手機, 平板電腦普及使用,手機應用程式推陳出新, 人工智能在手機應用程式應用有助簡化程序, 增加生產力和效率。

3. 老人護理服務中心和醫療護理: 隨著已經發展國家和地區人口老化, 老人人口比例上升, 老人服務和醫療護理肯定會增加。


We are now in year 2020. Which industries are worth to be invested in the nest decade?

Investors are worth to pay attention to the following industries.

1. Data Centres:As the growth of popularity of i pads and smart mobile phones, the data usage continues increases, it faciliates the revenue growth in data centres industries.

2. Information technology and artifical intelligent: Due to the popularity of i pads and smart mobile phones,more and more mobile apps are birthed. Artifical intelligent application in mobile apps helps to simplify processes, improve productivity and efficiency.

3. Age care centers and medical care industries. The increasing ratio of aging people in developed countries and regions stimulate the demands in age care centers and medical care industries.

Investors need to consider the above industries' elements when they make their company share investment.

3 則留言:

  1. 可再生能源也是值得留意的未来发展趋势,尤其是经历了今年石油暴跌大事件之后。

    1. 同意您看法, 可再生能源, 無人駕駛電動車也是未來10年要留意的行業

  2. Seems two China education stocks 811.HK & 1317.HK are subject to revaluation.

