2019年1月12日 星期六


港股2018年1月29日恆指以33,484點創牛市三期高峰後進入一個小熊市, 大約運行了11個多月。

A浪下跌: 由2018年1月29日至8月16日: 由33,484點跌至26,871點,歷時6個半月 共跌6,613點;

之後展開了微弱的B浪反彈: 由2018年8月16日至8月30日, 由26,871點反彈A浪跌幅約: 6,613X 0.25倍~1,662點 至28,533點再度見頂, 歷時半個月;

C浪下跌:由2018年8月30日至2019年1月3日: 由28,533點跌了:3,637點=6,613點XA浪55%:跌至24,896點; 以C5失敗五浪行完,歷時4個多月。


原因如下, 有宏觀經濟因素及圖表技術分析:


1.利率趨勢:2019年1月初,美國聯儲局主席鮑威爾指美國利率已接近中性水平,股價向下調整有機會在1月初附近完成, 2019年美國息率可能未必再加/加幅有限(可能加1次), 起碼對資產價格有一些穩定作用。

2.流動性改善:美國聯儲息率加息週期可能提早完結均有助提升市場資金流動性, 不排除這些流動性一部份進入股市, 推升了港股。

看來, 宏觀經濟因素不明朗漸漸消除和威脅樓股資產價格下跌的加息因素有機會2019年見頂而穩定下來,起碼宏觀經濟基本面市面上雖然感受到經濟疲弱,經濟基本面及投資環境的投資者情緒看來都開始由悲觀轉到保守審慎, 可能是一個小牛市一期蘊釀的兆頭。


1.恆指由2018年1月尾跌至2019年1月初歷時11個多月, 跌去8,588點, 總跌幅25.65%, 多於由高點20%跌幅的熊市定義, 此等小熊市跌幅2010年11月~2011年10月及2015年4月~2016年2月都試過, 所以跌了11個月大約8千6百點完成小熊市不足為奇。




5.恆指日線圖:11月出現了頸肩底形態, 右肩10月10日:26,499點, 10月30日:做了24,540點底部; 11月7日做了左肩:26,530點,而恆指11月28~11月30日連續企穩在兩肩頸線之上,2018年1月3日跌至24,896點,做了雙底(Double dip); 這類型高底腳雙底2008年10月~2019年3月金融海嘯後都曾做過, 之後恆指開始回升;顯示恆指開始回穩,如升穿頸線約:2萬7千點; 有轉向B浪反彈跡象。

2019年1月6日 星期日

Investment in Index fund during the end of bear market

Today, we will discuss some other methods of generating passive income. Investment in Index fund during the end of bear market not only brings cash flows to investors but also the potential price gain (hedging) after the stock market turns into bullish market again.

Index funds can give you a passive way to invest in the stock market. For example, if you invest money in an index fund based on the S&P 500 Index, you will be invested in the general market. Another example is The Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (SEHK: 2800). Both can generate steady dividend income to investors and they can enjoy the potential capital gain in the future..

The key advantage of investment in Index fund are: investors won’t have to worry about details like choosing specific investments, rebalancing your portfolio, or knowing when to sell or buy individual companies.

The major drawback of it require investor to know the economic cycle and investors normally get better returns when they investment in Index fund during the end of bear market.

今天, 我們會討論其他產生被動收入的方法, 其中一種便是在熊市末段(後期)購買指數基金, 它不僅為投資者帶來現金流, 還會替投資者在將來股市重投牛市帶來因吐利的潛在價格盈利。

指數基金可給為我們一個被動投資渠道。如果我們投資美股標普500指數, 我們可參與一般市場的投資。另一個例子是香港的盈富基金(2800.HK)。它們均可帶來穩定股息回報和未來的潛在的資本增值。

投資指數基金主要優勢在於投資者不用擔心他們選擇了具體投資產品(或公司股票), 為投資組合再平衡, 了解買賣個別公司的時機。


2019年1月1日 星期二

Stockresearch 18 new milstone

Happy New Year 2019!

The Stockresearch18 will turn into a new milestone in Year 2019! It is because this blog will use English to write blog essays. The view points will become more globalize, different investment strategies that can earn more passive incomes will be come across. I wish my blog readers can get benefits from my view points and contents in the blog essay.

Various investment strategies that can earn more passive incomes will be discussed soon. As well as that, individual stocks analysis will be continued. I will follow my conservative investment strategies, I wish my blog essay readers will find useful insights in my blog essays.

By constructing an investment portfolio with high dividend stocks was my key investment in the past 19 years, therefore I can gradually build up passive income streams. Hopefully, I wish that my passive income can reach a level to cover my daily expenses in order to realize my dream of financial freedom.

The first obvious reason of buying high yield dividends is that they can provide a steady source of income for investors. This passive income can be used to spend or reinvest back into the stocks that can generate strong cash inflow to investors. This can not only shorten the time require to build up a retirement portfolio but also speed up the process of constructing a retirement investment portfolio.

The second reason of buying high yield dividends is: normally the high yield stocks are strong cash flow companies with steady profit; otherwise ,they cannot distribute higher than the market return yield to investors steadily.

Of course, I am welcome my blog readers to suggest other methods of reaching financial freedom earlier. I wish my reform in blog can furnish more rich content to my blog readers.