2020年5月4日 星期一

Dow Jones Index May 2020: Sell in May and walk away?

Dow Jones Index May 2020: Sell in May and walk away?

The Dow Jones Index rebounded from March 23, 2020 bottom: 18,213 points into April 30, 2020 peak: 24,585 points. It rose 6,372 points. Corrections may happen as there were smart investors and speculators bought at March 23, 2020 Dow's bottom sell and realize profit as well as the composite companies in Dow Jones Index release unsatisfactory financial performance results of Quarter 1, 2020 in May 2020.

If it takes 50% correction, the Dow Jones Index will reach 21,399 or ;

if it takes 38.2% correction, the Dow Jones Index will reach 22,150.

2020年5月美股道指: 5月沽出離場?

美股道指由2020/3/23在低位18,213點反彈了6,372點至2020/4/30: 24,585點完成反彈。 回吐調整可能將會發生


1. 在2020/3/23 撈了底的聰明投資者/投機者沽貨獲利;

2. 美股道指成份公司2020年5月公布2020年第一季公司業績可能不是太理想。

如果回吐升幅一半,道指可見21,399 或


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