2021年9月12日 星期日

Microsoft acquires start-up TakeLessons 微軟公司收購初創學習公司 TakeLessons

Microsoft has acquired TakeLessons, a start-up with a website where people book paid online and in-person classes on a variety of subjects, a Microsoft spokesperson confirmed Friday. Terms of the deal weren’t disclosed.

微軟公司收購初創學習公司 TakeLessons, TakeLessons是一個網站平台讓人們網上付款後可以學習不同科目內容, 微軟公司發言人已經證實有關收購, 收購條款沒有公開。

TakeLessons helps people sign up for online and offline courses on consumer-oriented topics, like playing musical instruments and speaking foreign languages.

TakeLessons有助人們在有關平台付款及登入後可以在線上線下學習客戶導師的課程/課題, 例如音樂, 樂器及學習外語。


