2020年4月7日 星期二

US Stock market Dow Jones Index: Will bull market start again? 美股道指: 牛市一期的開始?


熊市:12/2/20 :29568點跌至23/3/20:18,213點, 大跌11,355點, 歷時六星期已經完成......?



US stock market Dow Jones Index quick bear felt from 12 Feb 2020, the bear market started from 12 Feb 2020: DOW 29,568 dropped to 23 Mar 2020, it dropped 11,355 points in DOW, is it finished within six weeks time?

This quick bear correction dropped 38.59% from the peak. Is it the next cycle of bull stock market begin?

Bull market may appear when there is an extremely pessimistic atmosphere in the market, investors lose faith in their investment and cut loss sales of their investment stock and escape from the market. This may be the timing for long term intelligent investor to enter the market! Those long sighted investor may collect stocks in this slow or even negative growth economic period before the market become normalize after sudden incidents.

9 則留言:

  1. 18bro,

    Seems our HK & China stock markets have begun.

    Have you acquired enough stocks?

    Add Oil & Good Luck!


    1. P.S. I think Wealth is a reletive value. If you got more assets (including real estates, listed stocks, gold, diamonds, ...) than others, you are relatively richer than others.

    2. Have you acquired enough stocks?~~只是3月23日入了小量,現在未有入市資本, 是否牛市重臨仍要觀察疫情改善情況向好亦或向壞方向發展

    3. My stock portfolio is always fully loaded, ... with available cash for investment kept at <2% over past 2 years.

      Over past 3 months I was suffered from quite a certain % of accounting losses, but I was not so care cause the total expected dividends income from all portfolio members is still going up gradually.

      And luckliy, I had made a few "stocks switching" to modify the portfolio members. My expectations are holding relatively better stocks as well as increasing expected dividend incomes. I find this method is suitable to me.

      Now I predict the overall portfolio value should be recovered faster than before... but of course it still needs some time to see.

      Again, Good Luck!


    4. P.S.

      1. "Total portfolio value" and "total expected yearly dividend incomes" are also important to me.

      2. I will continuously do "stocks switching" because stock markets are dynamic.

      3. I always do reinvestment by buying more shares, ... cash from dividend incomes received.

  2. 我估美股已經開始新一個牛市,但港股唔係牛市。

    1. 我認同你這個看法,美股有可能熊市已經完成
